There are many spells that you could make. You do need guardianship for it though.
I don't know how to get fire spells, water spells, lightning spells etc. but i DO know how to get the Healing spell.
go to any shop and click on inventory, and then on spells, then select a spell, and click on sell
When you log in,go to battleon,then to warlic's shop,then buy spells,expert spells,shop weapons.There you can find Raynar's superior and Raynars ultimate[lv 80+] blades.
No, as it wouldn't have much use whatsoever. Mages/wizards alike use items to enhance spells, not their staves.
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
You sell them.
I don't know how to get fire spells, water spells, lightning spells etc. but i DO know how to get the Healing spell.
go to any shop and click on inventory, and then on spells, then select a spell, and click on sell
You don't delete spells - you sell them. Go to a shop keep and sell the spell(s).
you cannot make a weapon in adventure quest worlds
Go to the The Inn. Then click on Yuglar, then click on shopping. And finally click on paladin shop.
The best way to beat a sneak is to use magic spells because they are more accurate against it.
When you log in,go to battleon,then to warlic's shop,then buy spells,expert spells,shop weapons.There you can find Raynar's superior and Raynars ultimate[lv 80+] blades.
You don't.
Sp= Skill Points They are used for certain skills,spells, and most misc items. They can be recharged by taking turns in battle.
No, as it wouldn't have much use whatsoever. Mages/wizards alike use items to enhance spells, not their staves.
somebody who helped make the game