psp and ps3 both have the same format . psp is portable . but is very delicate . ps3 is good but still has glitches . i recommend the psp just don't drop it the screen is very sensitive.
Pokemon was made by the Nintendo company not sony therefore there will never be a Pokemon game for psp ps2 or ps3
PSP-1000, PSP-2000, PSP-3000, PSP-N1000. Thus, there are four versions of Sony PSP.
play the ps3 games in psp they will converted to psp games
No, the 3000's screen is not compatible with a PSP-2000.
the sony psp e-1003 does not support wlan.
You should get a Sony PS3. They have better graphics and games.
PSP is a handheld device and a PS3 is a console, the PS3 was developed after the PSP, they were both made by SONY.
The PS, and PSOne, PS2, PSP, PS3. PSP Go. & PS Vita
The SONY company make it, they also make PSP, PS2 and other entertainment products.Sony
Yes a Sony PSP bought in Thailand will work in Australia. PS3 that are bought in Thailand will also work in Australia.
Sony(Ps3, PsP,Ps2) and Microsoft(Xbox360)
Sony Computer Entertainment America, makers of the PS, PSOne, PS2, and PS3.
Pokemon was made by the Nintendo company not sony therefore there will never be a Pokemon game for psp ps2 or ps3
A PS3 in the living room and a PSP on the go. The PSP is not a PS3 and just doesn't measure up except as a portable device. The new PS3 slim when correctly set up as designed with online connections to the internet and HDMI connection to a Sony HDTV allows for much more entertainment than just the limited features of the PSP or even the newer PSP Go.
LittleBigPlanet is published by Sony, so only their own consoles would have the game. And it is on the PS3 and PSP It will be out for the PS Vita June 2012 Also, LBP is in production for Sony's PSP.
No Little big planet is a sony entertainment lisenced game it is only for PS3, PSP and PSP GO and it will never be on any other console
No Little Big Planet is a Playstation exclusive only on the PS3 and PSP