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no man u should paralize lugia then et him to red health then use ultra balls or dusk balls

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Q: Should you use a masterball on Lugia in silver?
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In soul silver which Pokemon should you use your masterball?

you should use your master ball on anything that's rare (not like a shiny) you could use it on lugia, or you could just use hypnosis or somethin then use some ultra balls. if u have the arceus from the movie, do the event and use the master ball on either dialga, palkia, or giratina ( depends on what you choose)

Where is Lugia in whirl islands Pokemon soul silver?

To find Lugia enter the Whirl Island Caves at the top-right island, then it should be pretty easy from there (if you're stuck use youtube or similar.)

Pokemon Soul Silver what to do after getting silver wing?

Go catch Lugia in Whirl Islands! WARNING: Unless you are an EXTREME Lugia fan, don't use a Master Ball on it, unless it is Level 70. Advice: Use Master Ball on Ho-Oh when you get to it. I caught Lugia in a Fast Ball and Latios in an Ultra Ball.

What ball do catch lugia in silver?

well theres a couple different ways to do this. you could use your masterball and catch him that way, however i would save your masterball for going after hoho. the other way is to use a Pokemon that knows mean look, knock him down into the red without making him faint, then use ultra balls (warning: you may go through alot of ultra balls until he submits. same rule applies to the three ledgendary dogs (suku, enti, and ruku)

What do you do after you beat the kimono girls in Pokemon soul silver?

go to the 2nd whirlpool island. go in. use flash (if you dont have it just simply go to the goldenrod city deparment store and buy it) go to the left side. go down the ladder and and keep on going until u get to the other ladder and go down keep on walking and go down to the last cave. there you will summon lugia and try (if you still have your masterball and have not been a idiot like me and wasted it on suicine,riakuo,or entei congradulations you will cath lugia) to cach lugia

Related questions

Where to find Lugia in Pokemon Silver?

Firstly, you must have defeated team rocket at Goldenrod city. Once you have done this, you will receive the silver wing.This is important as it is the key to finding lugia. Make your way to whirlpool islands, and you must have a Pokemon that knows the move whirlpool. Once you are in the island and in the cave, it may take a while for you to find lugia. Just keep looking. It is a long way!Good luck! - it might be difficult...Lugia will be level 45, you can use a masterball to catch it, you can obtain a masterball at New Bark Town from proffessor Elm!

In soul silver which Pokemon should you use your masterball?

you should use your master ball on anything that's rare (not like a shiny) you could use it on lugia, or you could just use hypnosis or somethin then use some ultra balls. if u have the arceus from the movie, do the event and use the master ball on either dialga, palkia, or giratina ( depends on what you choose)

How do you get lugio on soul silver?

To catch Lugia you must have the Tidal Bell and Silver Wing. Then you go to the Whirl Islands and into one of the caves (just youtube search a tutorial on it) and the kimono sisters will summon it. It's simple to catch, so don't use a masterball.

Who should you use your masterball on?

I think you should use ur masterball on entei raikou or sourcune and maybey mew not mewtwo

How do you use the silver wing in Pokemon silver?

You dont use it, you need it to get to Lugia in the Whirl Islands.

In Pokemon soul silver do you need to use a master ball to catch moltres?

No. You should use your masterball on a wandering legend like Raikou, Entei, or Latias.

Does it have to be daytime to get Lugia in soul silver?

no. to catch lugia u need to go to whirl islands and u must have talked to prof. elm to get the masterball. u have to defeat the kimo girls and talk to a dude in whirl islands. it will show the silver wing in the air and u go all the way down the zig zag stairs or whatever. then u go in the entrance that u see { do not use surf on the water.} u go in and use surf, getting lugia and end up defeating the elite four. good luk

Were do catch moltres Articuno Zapdos and Lugia at on gale of darkness?

You can catch Lugia when you get to the top of Citadark Isle. If you still have the masterball now is the time to use it. Then after you catch Lugia you battle Greevil and he has Torous, Exectutor, Rydon, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Hope I helped!!!

How do you get Lugia on Pokemon Stadium 2?

you have to have a transfer pack and from the games silver and gold you transfer lugia into ur stadium

Should you use a master ball for lugia in Pokemon silver?

yes beecause hes the hero Pokemon of the game you know dog

How do you get Shadow Lugia on Pokemon SoulSilver?

First off, it's spelled Lugia. Second off, you encounter Lugia at Whirl Islands ofter obtaining the Tidal bell and Silver Wing items. You must then battle the Kimono girls, and go to Whirl Islands once your ready. It's a maze in there! Be careful where ya go! Just use your MasterBall on Lugia, by the way. Instant catch ^^ Good luck! Lunarstar out!

Where is Lugia in whirl islands Pokemon soul silver?

To find Lugia enter the Whirl Island Caves at the top-right island, then it should be pretty easy from there (if you're stuck use youtube or similar.)