Here it is.... After you put this into your action replay all you need to do is get a egg then hold l+r and move around.This tricks the game into thinking 1 step = 255 steps Code= 921ed410 00004281 121ed410 00004289 d2000000 00000000
a quick claw is what you give a Pokemon to increase itsspeed
don't use cheats paralyz his butt false swipe him and use quick balls also have a Pokemon who knows mean look. Good Luck!
There isn't one. But you could get a Magmar in the party while trying to hatch your egg. It speeds up the prosess.
You can use the Super-Quick Level Up Code.
You can find them in the pokemart in snowpoint city
with action replay
you do not need to buy action replay. its just really hard. battle a lot and you may find one. bring a quick ball on your journey!
Use Action Replay
just get a action replay
If you only mean not using action replay, then use pokesav. If you mean no cheats, then I have to say, there is no really quick way of getting your Pokemon to lvl 100. The E4 are your best bet's. If your EV training, then keep EV training until you get to lvl 100. Hope this helped.
Action replay (999 rare candies)
use action replay code. to do this, buy an action replay. if you already have this, use action replay code manager by using the internet cord it comes with. if you cant figure this out, go onto youtube and type this in and copy it on your ar. then there you go.
My Action replay cam with exp codes, look there because its in a folder. But anyway mega exp gain 94000130 000002ff 62106fc0 00000000 B2106fc0 00000000 100458dc 0000ffff D2000000 00000000 Wild Pokemon will give you 65535 EXP. Trainer's Pokemon will give you 98302 EXP. I got this off the internet from someone else.
To level up weak Pokemon, I suggest battling the elite four with the weak Pokemon in the front of your party. As soon as the battle starts, switch Pokemon. The weak Pokemon will gain experience as well. Or, you could use an Action Replay. Take your pick. ~Riamu589
9223b5fa 000021011223b5fa 00002100d200000 00000000i'm pretty sure that's just with a quick search =]
In order to type in the cheats for Pokemon diamond you have to have an AR -or Action replay- and if you have that then you go to your action replay manager on your computer and you plug in you ds and then all you have to do is go up towards the top and press quick update.( This is for the really long codes that would take to long to put in manulay.) other wise all you have to do is go to the place where you select your cheats and press new cheat then continue until you get done. P.S.I find the software to be faluty.
than you have not register the Action Replay software in to your computer.