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Please DO NOT! post questions that break runescape rules, these Include:

- Questions relating to Bots / Macros.

- asking for things that run on other scripts/sources etc.

- Copying Scripts off Jagex.

- Asking where to get macros/scripts.

- Scamming other players.

- Asking for free Runescape Accounts.

- Real-World trading.

- Buying/Selling/Trading of Runescape Accounts.

- Questions about Runescape Private Servers and/or Moparscape.

- Using Runescape's Account Recovery Service to gain Runescape Accounts.

- No asking Runescape Private Server Related Questions.

- Asking for Runescape Item ID's.

- Wilderness Related Questions, luring etc.

WikiAnswers Rule-list:

- No Advertising Any Runescape-based events.

- Asking for In-Game items.

If a player states there is cheat codes please note that Jagex clearly stated themselves there there is no direct and Safe cheats, most macros were made to steal players Runescape accounts, you would seem to think that you are downloading a macro, you would see fake screen shots of it on some site, but that you may actually be downloading is something called a Key-Logger, this will jot down any key stroke you type, the includes your runescape passwords if you enter them in, so for players safety any questions to do with hacking, or cheating on runescape will not be answered, they will end up being moved here, let this be an early warning, it's your time wasted it only takes seconds to merge.

In future before posting questions like these, be sure to look at the link below first. Note: This is a catch-all question, to keep the Jagex & Runescape categories clean.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 5y ago

"who here is under 12 years old and wants to private message me?" should do the trick

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Q: Questions that break RuneScape rules
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That is against the rules of RuneScape - the rules you agreed to when registering your RuneScape account. Please don't ask this type of questions here.

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Make one by yourself. Transferring RuneScape accounts is against the rules of RuneScape, and it is not our job here to help you break those rules.