WikiAnswers will not provide information to break the rules of RuneScape.
i only know one wich its name is helloeverybody22334 ask for the password and i will tell u
You can't recover an account if you know only the password. If you know the account name but not the password, the account may be recovered in some cases. This is the same in RuneScape, or anywhere else. The main identification of any such account is the username. The password is only for verification (to avoid other people accesing your account - your game in the case of RuneScape, your e-mail for an e-mail account, etc.). Several people may have the same password, only the username is unique.
You can try to re-create an email with the same name. If that is not an option, I don't know - but perhaps you can use the recovery questions.
go on to manage accounts click cancel yourreoccurring membership and tipe in your name and password
How to hack runescape accounts! Step 1. Get the runescape account name you want to hack. Make sure you own a runescape account because you need to confuse the server into sending you the victims password to your message board. Step 2. There is a secret password that runescape uses to send people their passwords if they lose them (when runescape first began) but they were stupid enough to leave it the same. So while scanning the server I have found it. The code used to send people their password was hard to find but i have found it and believe it or not the secret email address is Step 3. Here is the code that you must email to the address above to confuse the server into sending you the victims password The subject must be: RSAccntRecovery And in the email this code should be input exactly like this or it will not work. #no.38492$$code"your username"548# #servident6254code%"victims username"153# #exhack0547code"your password"3502# Step 4. You must replace the stuff in " " to what it says and dont make any mistakes or you could get us both banned and do not repeatedly do this over and over or they will suspect you. Just give it a break sometimes. Happy hacking!
i only know one wich its name is helloeverybody22334 ask for the password and i will tell u
I'm going to have to burst you bubble on this one I'm afraid, there is NO way to get free items or money for runescape on the internet, cheats also will NOT work as there are no actual cheats coded into the game, NEVER trust a website claiming to give free items/cash for runescape as it will most likely be packed with viruses ready to steal your accounts password.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well there is a way that you can do it but its VERY risky. there's like some sort of website that you put ya password on. (example if ya name in it was ubermage11 you'd put USERNAME: Ubermage11 PASSWORD: "whatever ya pass is and it'd go on your account and get for you. i would NOT repeat NOT recommend it though as it is very risky.
That sounds as if you gave your account information to some Web site unrelated to Jagex (the company that makes RuneScape). I assume you were asked for your account name and password; the Web site may have been set up only to steal RuneScape accounts. Try to login and change your password immediately. If your password isn't accepted - as is likely - try the password recovery, from the main RuneScape page.
The only information required is what age group you come under, you are asked to choose a account name and password you must also accept the terms and conditions, then you are allowed to play RuneScape as a free player and explore the free regions of the game.
This is not a scam. Jagex is a company that takes full priority to email you
Go to: then on the top bar, (under adds) click ACCOUNTS, then there will be a big list with pictures, click on CHANGE PASSWORD, then it will ask you to enter your username and password, enter it, (runescape password and runescape name). then it will ask you to enter your current runescape password, enter it, and then below that, it will ask you to enter your new wanted password, and then enter it again. Once you have done all that, you shouldn't have a problem.
There is nothing like a you tube free password. YOu need to register for an account and you will get your own user name and password
If you acquire a membership, you continue with the same login name and password.
If you have a Zwinky account that you don't want anymore, please email me at Just email me your User name and Password.
There is a free account Name: Relio Password: rubber
user name: passwordnatalie password: natalie
This is one of my accounts. It's not a member. I have only beat a few islands. User name- SaveMarionow Password- Yoshirox!!! I don't know if someone already changed the password or not. But have fun!!!