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pachirisu the one that looks like a squirrel with a blue stripe

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Q: Pokemon with pickup in Pokemon Diamond?
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When does pachrisu learn pickup in Pokemon diamond and how?

Pickup is an ability, which means if it doesn't have the ability, it will never obtain it and you have to catch another pokemon.

Where can you get rare candy on pokemon diamond?

You find them on the ground and some Pokemon with the special pickup ability will pick them up.

How do you get the move pickup on Pokemon diamond version?

Its not a move its a power.and i think zigzagoon knows it.

Is there another Luck Incense in Pokemon Diamond?

No! only 1 you can get it in route 204 [i think] or maybe with Pokemon that i have pickup abillity [ or not]

How do you get the shiny stone in diamond?

The Shiny Stone is an evolutionary stone that allows certain Pokemon to evolve. In Pokemon Diamond, Shiny Stones may be found on Iron Island and on Route 228. It may also sometimes be obtained through the Pokemon ability Pickup.

Pokemon star or Pokemon Diamond?

Pokemon diamond

What Pokemon is holding a lava cookie in Pokemon diamond?

no Pokemon hold lava cookie but you can get it from the lady in lake valor simply find her key(with a Pokemon with pickup ability) then go inside and there you go she gives you a lava cookie

What Pokemon knows pickup in Pokemon Diamond?

aipom, ambipom, linoone, meowth, munchlax, pachirisu, phanpy, teddiursa and zigzagoon. If you want more information you can go to this site:

Should I buy Pokemon Diamond or the sims 2 pets?

Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond

How do you be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond

Where do you get leftovers in Pokemon Diamond?

A wild Munchlax has about a 55% chance of holding leftovers when you catch it. You can also find a Pokemon such as Aipom, Teddiursa, Meowth, Phanpy, Zigzagoon, Linoon, Pachirisu, Ambipom, or Munchlax that has the Pickup ability. The Pickup ability is an ability that picks up random items. Once you have a Pokemon in your party that has the ability Pickup, run around places and check the Pokemon to see if it has an item attached to it every once in a while.

Where is may in Pokemon Diamond?

She is not in Pokemon diamond.