Wild modifier codebreaker codes for PokŽmon Ruby make it so that the player will only encounter a specific PokŽmon until the game is reset. For example, the code C3CA837757EA5B41 will cause the player to encounter only Bulbasaur.
Ok People Im Not Talking About Pokemon Ruby!! Just Pokemon Ruby Destiny!
hi my name is nick and the master code for Pokemon Ruby is: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 46B7D9E4A709E9E1 Copy and paste into gameshark
youyou can cheat a codebreaker to go in birth island you cant visit birth island without cheat
Only if you have a code breaker and the master code for ruby plus the mew and mewtwo code
the easiest way to get a code that works is search for it yourself... some codes won't work because they work on different versions of VBA
make out with any trainer for three minutes.
Look up cheats on Gameshark (its hard to find Pokemon ruby on it) not Codebreaker because Codebreaker deletes your cheats after a while (at least it happened to me not sure if any1 else). hope I helped :D
Migrate From Pokemon Ruby,Pokemon Sapphire,Or Pokemon Emerald Or Trade From Pokemon HeartGold,Or Pokemon SoulSilver Or Use The Action Replay Pokemon Modifier.
I don't know. I don't think there is much of a difference, but there are some 16-digit codes that I want and my Gameshark only lets me put in 12. I have the same question as you. A 16 - digit code is a gameshark code. But a 12 digit code is for a codebreaker. you can find gameshark codes on Xploder.com and Codebreaker codes on Codetwink.com. -Hope I helped
Ok People Im Not Talking About Pokemon Ruby!! Just Pokemon Ruby Destiny!
As of 2014, there is not a listed e-reader code for Pokemon Ruby. There are codes however for other Pokemon versions.
As of right now there is no code since Zoroark is in the next Generation of Pokemon. That is like attempting to get Dialga in Pokemon Ruby. It isn't physically possible in Pokemon Platnium and any other Pokemon games out before it.
If it's a GameShark/CodeBreaker code in a ROM you have to choose it and press disable or remove. Other types of cheats I don't know.
hi my name is nick and the master code for Pokemon Ruby is: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 46B7D9E4A709E9E1 Copy and paste into gameshark
youyou can cheat a codebreaker to go in birth island you cant visit birth island without cheat