

Best Answer

Double hit x scicor nightslash and faslswipe or slash

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Q: Pokemon platinum the best moves for Scyther?
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Where is the best place to train a lvl 30 Scyther in Pokemon platinum?

you should train sycher against fire and pshcik pokemon:D

What is the best team for Pokemon platinum without legendary's and what moves they should have?

Well that is up to you :P

What pokemon should you use in Pokemon Platinum?

The best team in pokemon platinum is an Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray [third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all four moves as HMs] and Giratina.

What are the two best fire and fighting moves in Pokemon platinum for Infernape?

the best attack for infernape are bulk up, flamethrower ,thunderpunch and brickbreak

What is the best Pokemon to use in the Pokemon leuge in Pokemon platinun?

The best pokemon team for pokemon platinum is Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Luxray (Shinx third evolution), Giratina and Bibarel( make it learn all its four moves as HMs).

What is the best Pokemon team to beat the Pokemon league in platinum?

Empoleon in its 80's can beat everyone if knows the moves: Aqua Jet Drill peak :)

What are the best moves for Magmortar?

The best moves are Flamethrower Fire Blast Thunderbolt and Solarbeam.

What Pokemon are best to defeat the 2 gym leader on soul silver?

The best pokémon for beating Bugsy are fire, ice, flying and rock moves, also electric works well on his Scyther. Hope this helps :D

What is the best plate in Pokemon platinum?

There really is no "best" or "worst" plates. it will depend on:your starter (a plate that makes it's moves stornger)A Pokemon that you want to train or make stronger (a plate that makes it's moves stornger)your Pokemon in your party's move typesHOPE I HELPED!!!

How do you get spirtomb in Pokemon Platinum?

try your best to find spirtomb in Pokemon platinum

What is the best Pokemon that you can get on Pokemon Platinum?


Which Pokemon is the best in Pokemon Platinum?
