Well i don't think there is a rotom key because i beat the game and caught rotom,but if you want to know how i can tell you. You first go to eterna forest and enter the old chateau. when you do that ( you need cut) you enter a room inside and it shows a TV on you click that and it brings you to rotom to battle rotom is like level 24,25,29 i don't really remember but somewhere in the twenty's anyways i suggest you use great balls,dusk balls,or ultra balls. I hoped i helped!
give him a secret key the different secret key the different rotom
No trainer have Rotom in Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum.
you don't need either but its easier to have rotom so you can get the rotom forms faster.
fist you need to have a rotom then get the secret key
The Secret Key was only available during the Rotom Pokemon event that took place last month. Now, the only way to get it is to hack for it.
Pokemon event
give him a secret key the different secret key the different rotom
you can only get it in pokemon platinum...
you use the Wirless conections
It changes Rotom's forms, but it only is in Platinum.
It's exclusive to Pokemon platinum version.
You unlock a place where Rotom can change its forms.
To get the secret key, you can go to nintedo wifi and mystery gift there
April 20th through May 12
if you have the special key, it is at the very back
no, it's only available on platinum.
Rotom!!! (At Night In The Old TV) In Pokemon Platinum Version You Can Download The Secret Key At Your Closest Toys R Us Bring Your Ds! For More Details Visit WWW.PokemonPlatinum.Com Or WWW.Pokemon.Com What Form Will You Turn Your Rotom Into? Mow Rotom Wash Rotom Heat Rotom Fan Rotom Freeze Rotom Buy Pokemon Platinum Version Today! Learn More At WWW.PokemonPlatinum.Com