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fist you need to have a rotom then get the secret key

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Q: How do you change Rotom's form in platinum?
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How do you change Rotoms form in pearl?

you can't you can only change it in platinum

What is Rotoms evolve level?

rotom doesnt evolve but does change form in platinum.

How Do you change rotoms form on Pokemon pearl?

You can't. It has to be Platinum. If you get Platinum, you need the Secret Key. You can't get that anymore unless you have an Action Replay.

How do you change Rotoms form on Pokemon diamond?

You can't unless you trade it to platinum, heartgold, or soulsilver. or pokeshift to black or white.

How do you get into silph co in heartgold?

You need a rotom then you can get to the next floor where you can change rotoms form and to get rotom you have to trade from diamond pearl platinum

You have the the wonder gift what do you do with it?

Change Rotoms form

Do you change Rotoms form on Pokemon pearl?

no not at all

Where do you transform Rotom in platinum?

i think u a secret key before you can change rotoms formes

If you change Rotoms form are you changing it's type too?


How do you change Rotoms form in mystery dungeon?

I don't think you can.

Where to change Rotoms form?

you can change it in either eterna warehouse or silph co

Does platinum have new Pokemon?

Giratina's Orgin form, Shaymin's sky form, and the 5 Rotoms Rotom wash, cut, heat, frost and spin.