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Dark Lugia is only available in hacked roms therefore there is no ar cod for it. NO! THATS NOT RIGHT! I FOUND THE CODE! AND YOU SPELLED 'CODE' WRONG!
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
I'll trade u for 1 if u will give me the code for shiny pokemon i can make u a code if u want? send me a pm on youtube my name is naruto51234521^^
What is the Pokemon 900 medicine code for action replay to Pokemon platinum
pokemon piatunum lugia egg code
There is no Action Replay code in order to get Shadow Lugia in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum at the moment.
no there is not
there is no ho oh or lugia event in Pokemon platinum
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There is no way to get Shadow Lugia in every game, only Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness has it.
That is impossible.....
not even a reaply code can get it at least i dont know one
you are just supposed to transfer it from leaf green or fire red
Dark Lugia is only available in hacked roms therefore there is no ar cod for it. NO! THATS NOT RIGHT! I FOUND THE CODE! AND YOU SPELLED 'CODE' WRONG!
the only way to do that is to transport it from the game cube game "pokemon gale of darkness" there may be a way with cheats but i dont know
You get it by trading with me give the code and its yours