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Mightyena, Crawdaunt, Absol, Cacturne, Shiftry. Dusclops, Dusclops, Banette, Banette, Sableye. Glalie, Glalie, Sealeo, Sealeo, Walrein. Flygon, Shelgon, Salamence, Altaria, Shelgon. Armaldo, Skarmory, Claydol, Metagross, Cradily, Aggron. Wailord, Milotic, Whiscash, Ludicolo, Gyrados, Luvdisc.

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16y ago

no. 1 Aaron no. 2 bertha no. 3 flint no. 4 lucian

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Q: Pokemon elite four names
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Who are the Elite Four in the Pokemon Sapphire game?

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What are the names of the elite four in Pokemon diamondpearl?

Aaron,bertha, flint, lucian, & Cynthia the champion

Where is the elite four found?

In terms of Pokemon, the Elite Four are found inside of the Pokemon league. The Elite Four are generally described as the toughest challenge in each of the Pokemon games.

Where can you find the elite four in ruby?

The elite four will be at the Pokemon league.

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there is no elite four for kanto u just defeat the elite four that is in kanto for the johto region. and my advice for it is have the Pokemon the elite four Pokemon and the champion Pokemon are weak to like for champion it would be ice.

What are the names of the members of the elite four in Pokemon diamond?

1. Aaron 2.Bertha 3.Flint 4.Lucian Elite 4 champion. Cynthia

Pokemon ruby is swampert the best to defeat the elite four?

yes swarpert is a greatest Pokemon to defeat elite four

How do you catch national pokedex Pokemon FireRed?

You have to catch at least 60 Pokemon and you have to beat the elite four including your rivalyou get it from oak after you beat the elite four and the elite four champion

What happens if you lose at the Pokemon league?

If you lose in the elite four you have to restart the elite four. :(

Where to find elite four in Pokemon fire red?

The Elite Four is in the Indigo Plateau.

In Pokemon Pearl is there an Elite Five?

there is only elite four

Where are the elite 4 in FireRed?

The elite four will be in the Pokemon league.