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You find him in meteor cave after beating the elite four.

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Q: Where do you find Stephen after elite four in Pokemon emerald?
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Can you find umbreon in the elite 4?

In Pokemon Emerald you cannot.

Pokemon emerald where are the elite 4?

YOu will find the alite four slightly off a island.

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new safari area after beating the elite 4

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You can get rayquaza before you defeat the elite four, but to find out where kyogre and groudon are you have to go to the weather station after defeating elite four to find out their location..... i think ___________Info by POKEwiz__________ if you have any questions about Pokemon emerald, diamond, firered, or pearl i can help!

Where do you find a pinceo in Pokemon emerald?

The Safari Zone, you idiot. After you defeat the Elite Four and get the National Pokedex.

What Pokemon can you get in Emerald?

You can find Pokemon from the Heonn Region and after you beat the elite four and go to Professor Birch for your Pokedex update, you can find Pokemon from different regions in the earlier games.

Where is the battle pyramid in Pokemon sapphire and ruby and emerald?

in Pokemon emerald simply beat the elite 4 then you will be invited to the battle frontere then find it but it is not in sapphire or ruby sorry bout dat

Where can you find ditto in Pokemon Diamond?

u have to migrate it from Pokemon emerald, and ditto is in the cave at fallabor town after u have beaten the elite four

Where do you find raquaza in Pokemon emerald?

you go to that city on water and go to the right and up when you find an opening (after you beat the elite 4)

Where you find elite four in Pokemon emerald game?

Evergrande city..up the waterfall and through victory road

Where can you find the elite four on Pokemon ruby?

same place as emerald and evergrande city! hope this helps! >.<

Where is the ss tidal in Pokemon emerald?

Beat the elite four. Then go to Slateport's port and the ferry is there.