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Q: Pokemon diamond ar code for shiny Pokemon?
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In pokemon diamond does the ar code for shiny egg allow the pokemon to always stay shiny after it hatches?

Use the shiny Pokemon cheat code. That keeps the Pokemon that hatches shiny.

Is there a AR code for Pokemon diamond to make all Pokemon in box shiny?


What is the Pokemon diamond shiny code for AR?

I used 12068AC6 000046C0 but all the Pokemon you encounter will be shiny thanks who ever you are

What is the cheat code to make your Pokemon shiny on Diamond?

it should already be on your AR. go down the list to shiny Pokemon. then all Pokemon will be shiny you meet

What is the ar code for Pokemon diamond to make wild Pokemon permanatly shiny?

Maybe. But I know there is a gameshark one. .......

How do you get a code that gives you a Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

If u want a certain pokemon, then look it up on google by typing something like "pokemon diamond AR code for _____." i did this and i found a code for a shiny mew W/ pokerus.

What is an ar shiny code?

that is in diamond and pear;

What is the AR cheat code to make your Pokemon shiny even if the code is turned off on Pokemon diamond?

What you are saying is the "Permanent" shiny Pokemon code, which is not available, but the code for temporary code is available. Go onto a website to look for codes like the "shiny" code or onto Youtube.

Can you get a shiny Squirtle in Pokemon diamond?

you need ar

What is the Action Replay code for shiny Pokemon and M code on Pokemon LeafGreen?

the shiny Pokemon code for AR 1b3jt59xr438

Ar codes for Pokemon diamond that gives you a shiny machop?

Here is an action replay code for Shiny machop in Pokemon diamond. 25214170, 0AB256A2, 8AD2C8BB, EB3D7A39, 6B012323, 530CEE00, 96BB8929, 9B4E5B77. This code has been tested and verified.

How do you get all shiny pokemon in diamond without ar?

its impossible without ar