depends on the pokemon, in the case of charmander/meleon/izard (the easiest), evolve to charizard, then go speak to gulpin and remember a move, charizard learns heatwave by default at lvl 1.
Staraptor can't learn Heat Wave... Only Fire-Type Pokemon can.
I dont think there is a move called heat wave in the game firered.AnswerHeat Wave is a move in Pokemon FireRed. However, it cannot be taught to a Pokemon via a TM or move tutor. Pokemon must reach a certain level which they learn Heat Wave naturally. The Pokemon who can learn Heat Wave include: Charizard, Moltres (level 73) and Torkoal (level 46). Through breeding, Vulpix, Growlithe and Slugma may also learn Heat Wave. get 2 tinymushrooms from paras and go to island 2 and there is a guy in a house that teaches heat wave to charizard
Charizard learns Heat Wave at start in Pokemon FireRed. In Generation IV, Charizard learns it at level 59. In Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Charizard can also learn Heat Wave by move tutor.
Abby or Gabrielle Mae D. Miranda is Happy.....
4 didnt you see Pokemon masters quest episode not .. i know! episode3 pt1
Yes, it's called Heat Wave. The only Pokemon that I know learn it for a fact are Torkoal and Charizard, maybe Camerupt.
There isn't a TM for Heat Wave.
A grass type Pokemon or charmander...cuz you can teach grass Pokemon bullet seed, which is a powerful move to use on Legendaries...and charmander cuz when it evolves into a charizard, it can learn heat wave which is good for monster houses...
you can't there aren't any heat wave TM's lying around the only way is your FIRE Pokemon learning them here are the Pokemon and the levels they learn heat wave# 6 - CHARIZARD LV 59 # 58 - GROWLITHE LV 58# 146 - MOLTRES LV 64# 324 - TORKOAL LV 55I SUGGET YOU BUY THE STRATEGEY BOOK FORM TOYS R US OR BANES & NOBLE OR TARGET...VERONICA
You can not buy or find the TM Heat Wave anywhere simply because the TM does not exist, nor can you learn it from a tutor. Heat wave can be learned when Charizard or Moltres hit level 73, or you can collect mushrooms from a Paras and give them to the guy on 2 Island, and he will teach your Charizard
The Best Pokemon For Purity Forest Is ... charizard because he gets heat wave at his one of his starter moves. and he gets awesome stats. he levels slow though. i hope you get Celibii
You can learn it to a Charmander at the Gulpin Link Shop.
you can make a wonder mail any reward but the tight belt because you can't use the dot. here is the website.
Staraptor can't learn Heat Wave... Only Fire-Type Pokemon can.
You don't. That's only in the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeons. Red and Blue version
Pikachu can only learn Shock Wave when you use a TM. Hope this helped! =)
Go To Buried Relic (Dont Recruit Regis) From Floor B36f To B99f(Music Box Required) (Dont Be Level 100 and use Normal Attack) Be Level 100 And Be Charizard Before You Go Dont Forget To Go To Purity Forest And Once You Level Up Delete Heat Wave,Give Up And Reteach Heat Wave In Pokemon Square,Then Go To Buried Relic With The Cheat To Go Up A Floor And Use It 36 Times.Once You See Mew Standing Next You With Friend Bow Use Heat Wave