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give your slopoke a kings rock(you can find one in sevault canyon after you beat the game) do not use the kings rock on your slowpoke-just make it hold it!!! then, trade it with a friend.

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Q: Pokemon LeafGreen how to get slowking?
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When does slowpoke evolve in pokemon LeafGreen?

In Pokemon leafgreen, slowpoke either evolves into slowbro at Lv.37 or slowking, when you give it the item King's Rock to hold and then trade it.

How do you get slowking on Pokemon Pokemon LeafGreen?

i think you make a slowpoke hold a kings rock and as it levels up it may evolve

In Pokemon LeafGreen what level does slowbro evolve?

Slowbro evolves into slowking when you trade it while it's holding a King's Rock.

How can you get a slowking in Pokemon HeartGold?

Slowking can be obtained by equipping a slowpoke with a Kings Rock and trading it

Which Pokemon is better slowking or ambipom?

ambipomSlowking I battled ambipom at level 50 so was my slowking and slowking beat him in one move- PsychicPOKEMONISCOOL

Can you get a slowking in Pokemon indigo?

SlowpokeNo, because Slowpoke is an exclusive Pokemon to LeafGreen, the game made at the same time as FireRed. However, unlike LeafGreen, you can catch Shellder and have Cloyster.

What is the national pokedex number for Slowking?

Slowking is #199 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Psychic type Pokemon.

Were to get slowking on Pokemon emerald?

You can't catch any of Slowking's line in Hoenn. You must trade it from LG.

How do you evolve slowpoke to slowking in Pokemon heartgold?

Have your Slowpoke hold a King's Rock, then trade it with a friend to get a Slowking.

Where do you catch a sloking in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot catch slowking you must catch a slowpoke give it a king's rock and trade it. If you have more evolution questions or you need to find out where to get a certain Pokemon I suggest going to and clicking on dp pokedex.

How do you get a slowking in pokemon LeafGreen?

Slowpoke is not in Pokemon Fire Red. They are only in Leaf Green. Hope I helped!

Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen with Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.