In Pokemon Emerald, it's impossible to leave the Hoenn Region. The Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh Regions are inaccessible in Emerald. Sorry.
Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Leaf green are both based in different regions. A different region is a whole new adventure. New people, proffesor, gym leaders and pokemon. New places, as well. Also, as noticeable as this is, the graphics are vaugely different.
no but if you catch all the hoenn pokemon you can catch jotho and kanto pokemon
hit new game
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
New moon island is only avalible in Pokemon pearl, diamond and platinum
Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Leaf green are both based in different regions. A different region is a whole new adventure. New people, proffesor, gym leaders and pokemon. New places, as well. Also, as noticeable as this is, the graphics are vaugely different.
No where, it was a myth that emerald would have two regions but it doesn't.
If you're a badass
You go to the safari zone after you finish the game then, if you see a new path go to the grass and you can catch Pokemon from the jhoto region
no but if you catch all the hoenn pokemon you can catch jotho and kanto pokemon
Yes there are plenty of kanto and mostly johto Pokemon you can find in emerald most of them can be hunted down in the safari zone.
To find Pokemon from other regions that you couldn't normally get in hoenn.
I haven't played emerald in a long time, but there is nothing that would even come close to the name NYC. Then again, certain places may have different names in different regions.
by trading
you trade with others who has the kanto, johto, or other hoen regions
in Pokemon emerald there are some new places.Not in sapphire
no sorry