You go to the male ponies profile and scroll down until you see the drop down menu. It will say Breed at the top. The drop down menu will then list the adult females in your stables. You cannot breed babies.
you can breed a lucario with a ditto or go to iron island and get a egg from riley
first catch a ditto than breed it with the balbasuar in the daycare in island 8 i think!
By leaving a Charizard and a second Charizard of the opposite gender (or a ditto) in the daycare on Four Island, it is possible to breed your charizard for charmander eggs.
you getditto or a charizard and put them in the day care on four island
You must breed evee or an evolution of it at the breeding place on four island.
you go to pony island then imagine that your breeding a pony
The shetland pony
the Chincotegue pony
Shetlands are a breed of pony.
A pony. Even if the breed's a horse breed not a pony breed.
Yes they are the same breed, but the term 'Irish Pony' can also be applied to any pony from Ireland so it is best to refer to each pony by it's correct breed name.
It is a cross breed of pony.
the shetland pony is a breed of pony.. not a "catergory" as such
sheltland pony.
It's the Dales Pony. For more information on this specific breed of pony, see the website of the Dales Pony Society at the Related Link.
A pony is a sub-species of horses. Basically you get ponies when you breed horses rated as ponies.
it would depend on what breed the horse/pony is, for example, a heavy horse breed will in most occasions be heavier than a pony but with a light weight horse breed there will be some pony breeds that are heavier. hope that helped :)