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To switch your penguin to standard safe chat, go to login, click "I forgot my Password" enter the email address that you created the penguin with,go to your email inbox, click the email from club penguin team, click "Enable this Link", and then click your penguins account, and then switch it to standard safe chat. Hope this helped! :)

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Clubpenguin how do you change your chat options?

Just go to Parents Guide and switch to Ultimate safe chat to Standard safe chat.

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change your chat mode from Ultimate safe chat to Standard safe chat

How do you get safe chat on clubpenguin?

When you make a new penguin, then you can choose either Safe chat or Ultimated.

How do get to chat on clubpenguin?

youhave to be old enough and you have to go into a server that is not on safe chat

What is safe chat on clubpenguin?

Safe chat means when you are not able to type for what you have to say. You have to select it between a bunch of words.

Why cant you type in what you want to on clubpenguin?

maybe your in the safe chat

Is it possible to change from ultimate safe chat to standard safe chat on club penguin?

Yes go to manage accounts in edit account then log in, then click the penguin you want to change the chat and then switch it

What do non- safe-chat servers look like on clubpenguin?

the server has a little chat bubble next to the name of the server

Is femmunity a safe chat place?

Yes its really safe you could also try clubpenguin if youre still not sure.

On Club Penguin how do you get the chat?

The chat? Easy! When you make yourself a penguin, you can use standard safe chat or the other one. Standard safe chat allows you to TYPE messages to other players.

How do you make a clubpenguin music video?

you have to download hyper cam and NOT have safe chat on clubpenguin. and you need to know th e lyrics to your song and have the music

How do you get the chatbar in Club Penguin?

If you NEVER have the chatbar, you clicked "Ultmate Safe Chat" instead of "Standard Safe Chat". You only get the chat bar if you clicked standard. No way to change.