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There are puffles that have a favorite game and there favorite game will help you earn more coins.

Yellow Puffles favorite game - DJ3K

Pink Puffles favorite game - Aqua Grabber

Purple Puffle favorite game - Dance Contest

Red puffle favorite game - Surfing

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Q: On club penguin what game does a blue puffle follow you into?
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What does the blue puffle foloe you into on Club Penguin Club Penguin?

go to your home and click on your puffle then on the bottom it would say if you want your puffle to follow you or to stay home click were it says follow you.

How do you get a dark blue puffle on club penguin?

There is no dark blue puffle on Club Penguin. YET! Well, I think. Just stick with your blue puffle for now.

What was the 1st puffle in Club Penguin?

The first Puffle introduced on Club Penguin was the Blue Puffle. This Puffle was available to all Club Penguin users, including non-members. Also, the second Puffle on Club Penguin was the Red Puffle. This Puffle was brought by the notorious Captain Rockhopper, a celebrity on Club Penguin. They are a special breed of Puffle, originating from Rockhopper Island. This Puffle too, was available to all Club Penguin users.

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The blue puffle in the pet shop in Club Penguin is in the catalog there is no blue puffle in the picture!!

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There is no golden puffle on Club Penguin. If you read about it in the Book Room, it says at the end it was a BLUE puffle that fell into a bucket of gold paint.

What game do blue puffles play on club penguin?

Get a blue puffle and see!!

How do you make your puffle follow you in club penguin?

You have to walk your puffle to make it follow you. To do this, go to your igloo and click your puffle. Go to the toys' corner and drag the leash to the puffle.

Can you get a puffle without becoming a member on club penguin?

yes but only a red or blue puffle

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its the blue puffle (that is so cute)

Hidden lake key on Club Penguin?

go on puffle rescue on the black puffle and follow the squid

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on puffle rescue black puffle follow the squid but go on evrey bubble

Where on club penguin does the blue puffle like to go?

The blue puffle can go to the new Pufflescape game in the pet shop.