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the black puffle catches fire on Club Penguin if you feed it a puffle-o or if you play with it

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Q: What puffle catches on fire on club penguin?
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What puffel catches on fire On club penguin?

the black puffle

What puffle in club penguin sets on fire?

The black puffle.

What puffle can catch on fire in club penguin?

black puffle

On Club Penguin what puffle goes on fire?

On Club penguin the black puffles turn on fire.

In club penguin what color puffle can catch on fire?

The black puffle can catch fire.

What colour of puffle can chatch on fire in club penguin?

the black puffle

In club penguin what color puffle gets caught on fire?

the black puffle

What puffle gose on fire in club penguin?

The black puffle, when it is fed an O' berry.

How does the puffle go near the fire?

are we talking about club penguin

How do you lite the fire in mission 2 on club penguin?

give the black puffle puffle-o

What do have to d o to make a fire on Club Penguin?

you use the puffle and give him a puffle -o

On Club Penguin witch pluffle can catch on fire?

The black puffle can catch fire.