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If you are sure you want to delete it, you can shift click on it, press force error and then when the prompt comes up asking you it you want to reset cancel or delete it, press delete.

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Q: On The Sims 2 How do you make the Sim Modder go away?
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What Sims 2 game gets you the Sim Modder?

Sims 2 nightlife gets you the sim modder. I've just downloaded sims 2 nightlife and now I can get it, whereas I couldn't before ^^

How Do you get The Sims 2 sim modder?

Click CTRL+SHIFT+C type in "boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" Shift+click on sim Click Spawn Click Sim Modder Baby appears Click baby, then click on what you want to change HOWEVER this may not work unless you downloaded sims "nightlife" x

How do you get the sim modder on the normal Sims 2?

You press Ctrl Shift C at the same time and type in the cheat "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" then "exit" if the cheat box is still there. You shift click a sim and click "spawn" "other" and "sim modder" should be around there. When you click on sim modder a baby looking thing should show up.

How do you make sims nude in sims cast away for ps2?

You cannot make a sim nude in Sims Castaway.

Is there a cheat on sims 2 to make sims age younger?

Type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (exactly that way) and click on your Sim whilst holding down shift. Click on the button that says 'Spawn' and then go to the second page of 'Spawn'. There will be a button that says Sim Modder, click on that and Sim Modder will appear as a baby. Click on it and choose age, then click on what age you want. It will make them that exact age, but will change the hair and makeup. Hope this helps (:

How come i don't get a sim modder when using the boolprop cheat?

You need NightLife to have sim modder.

Why won't the Sim Modder work?

im pretty sure u need the sims nightlife- iv been trying 2 get the sims modder 2 work and i cant because i don't have the nightlife :( i hope to get it soon though :D

In sims2 bon voyage there is a cheate to get your sims gold asparaitonpoints what is it called?

how to get gold aspiration points: CTRL--SHIFT--C, boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, RIGHT click on your sim, coose "spawn..." click on "sim modder", then click on the sim modder, and choose "aspiration" then you could take from there. hope it works!

How do you have all personallty points up in the sims?

make the cheat bar appear at the top (CTRL+SHIFT+C) type like this: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. click ur sim while holding shift click SPAWN... keep hitting more till u see sim modder. the modder is a little baby doll. click it and choose personallity.... me(name), other sim.... or all sims..... max all. NOTE: the Sims' star sign will NOT change. NOTE: (name) EXAMPLE: Melissa

Can you make a sim in sim 3 ambition?

Yes. Adding expansion packs to your Sims 3 game does not take away your ability to create Sims.

How can you make youself a sim in The Sims 2?

Yes you can make yourself a sim in the sims 2.

How do you get Sims kids to get married?

kids, like children and teens can't get married unless you have a hack downloaded. they can be found on modthesims2 No! There is one way for you to marry a toddler, kid, or teen. (Requires Sims 2 University) What you do is you get the Sim Modder in the dorm/house you want your sim to marry the kid in. Then, after the cook comes, select her and make her be controled by you as your own sim. Then, make her click the Sim Modder and then you click the age thing to either teen, kid, or toddler and then let her cook. The baby will cook and then you can make a relationship with him/her. Toddlers, kids, and teenagers can woohoo, have babies, and so on and so forth. Even make out and fight. SO, this has actually accdentally happened to me once.