Kanto: Bubasaur, Ivysaur, Venasaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Ekans, Arbok, Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, Sandslash, NidoranF, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, NidoranM, Nidorino, Nidoking, Clefairy, Clefable, Vulpix, Ninetails, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Zubat, Golbat, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Paras, Parasect, Diglett, Dugtrio, Meowth, Persian, Psyduck, Golduck, Mankey, Primeape, Growlithe, Aracanine, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Geodude, Graveler, Goldem, Ponyta, Rapidash, Slopoke, Slobro, Magnemite, Mangeton, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Dodrio, Seel, Dewgong, Grimer, Muk, Shellder, Cloyster, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Onix, Drowzee, Hypno, Krabby, Kingler, Voltorb, Electrode, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Cubone, Marowak, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Likitung, Koffing, Weezing, Ryhorn, Rydon, Chancey, Tangela, Kangaskan, Horsea, Seadra, Goldeen, Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Mr.Mime, Scyther, Jynx, Electrobuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Taurus, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras, Ditto, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Porygon, Omanyte, Omastar, Kobuto, Kobutops, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew.
Johto: Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Sentret, Furret, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Crobat, Chinchou, Lanturn, Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Togetic, Natu, Xatu, Mareep, Flaaffy, Amparos, Bellossom, Marill, Azumarill, Sudowoodo, Politoed, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Aipom, Sunkern, Sunflora, Yanma, Wooper, Quagsire, Espeon, Umbreon, Murkrow, Slowking, Misdreavus, Unown, Wobbuffet, Girafarig, Pineco, Forretress, Dunsparse, Gligar, Steelix, Snubbull, Granbull, Quilfish, Scizor, Shuckle, Heracross, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Usaring, Slugma, Magcargo, Swinub, Piloswine, Corsola, Remoraid, Octillery, Delibird, Mantine, Skarmony, Houndour, Houndoom, Kindra, Phany, Donphan, Porygon2, Stantler, Wait longer for finish!
646 pokemon counting the black and white ones. From: pokemon.com
to get the Pokemon list go to Pokemon.com there click on the pokedex you will find all the Pokemon there
Bulbapedia has an alphabetical list (article title "List of Pokemon by Name").
You can find a bunch of Pokemon but i realy don't want to list them.
You can try www.pokemon.com.
646 pokemon counting the black and white ones. From: pokemon.com
to get the Pokemon list go to Pokemon.com there click on the pokedex you will find all the Pokemon there
Well its simply a list of all pokemon, but you can try bulbapedia.com and click on national pokedex to see every pokemon.
Bulbapedia has an alphabetical list (article title "List of Pokemon by Name").
When you beat the final boss of the game, you get a list of all the shadow Pokemon and where you can find them.
No, Pokemon Selector only allows Japanese Generation V pokemon from #001(Bulbasaur)-#646(Kyurem). Keldeo is #647.
The fastest and most plain way to find a list of those Pokemon is to just do a search on Google saying "List of Pokemon from Saphire"
For a list of all known Pokemon, see the related link.
There are 17 types of pokemon, and the region in pokemon black is the unova region. there are 646 total pokemon. there are 153 pokemon in the unova region
You can find a bunch of Pokemon but i realy don't want to list them.
You can try www.pokemon.com.
There are 493 and I am not going to list them all here!