Only Ascension has a round limit, 50. All others go on forever exponentially.
On round 99 on Black Ops: Zombies the two player or more will stop there and there will be no more rounds just an endless amount of zombies but in single player it continues. This link is of Syndicate (#1 Zombie player in the world) getting to round 105 of Kino der Toten
There is a maximum of 99 waves of zombies, at wave 99, an unlimited amount of zombies will be sent into the map until you die. This means the only way to determine who did better if two people both made it to 99, is who survived longer.
If you turn a trap on and stay in it, the rounds speeds up and goes by in a few seconds.
Bonsly evolves at level 99 . I have a level 99 Sudowoodo
It all depends on what method of training you use.From level 30 it will take 192905 willow logs to 99.From level 60 it will take 72919 yew log to 99.From level 75 it will take 47297 magic logs to 99.
Unlimited there are 99 levels, they say unlimited because they don't think we can make it to round 99
You have to be good, Practice(:. But i would have to say I've never seen anyone go up to round 99.
PS3 round 99 is impossible DansGame you'd get reset scrub
Yes there are unlimited rounds in the zombie games.
On round 99 on Black Ops: Zombies the two player or more will stop there and there will be no more rounds just an endless amount of zombies but in single player it continues. This link is of Syndicate (#1 Zombie player in the world) getting to round 105 of Kino der Toten
It's 99. you can see if you look at the leaderboards.
There is a maximum of 99 waves of Zombies, at wave 99, an unlimited amount of zombies will be sent into the map until you die. This means the only way to determine who did better if two people both made it to 99, is who survived longer.
There is a maximum of 99 waves of zombies, at wave 99, an unlimited amount of zombies will be sent into the map until you die. This means the only way to determine who did better if two people both made it to 99, is who survived longer.
If you turn a trap on and stay in it, the rounds speeds up and goes by in a few seconds.
Im not sure but i know that the maximum amount of waves you can complete is 99.
On Solo, no, but on Co-Op Online/ Splitscreen, it is infinite zombie spawning until you die, you have infinite rounds in solo, but only 99 rounds on Co-Op. :) Hope this Helped