

Best Answer

It all depends on what method of training you use.

From level 30 it will take 192905 willow logs to 99.

From level 60 it will take 72919 yew log to 99.

From level 75 it will take 47297 magic logs to 99.

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Q: How long does it take to get 99 wc?
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How much xp till level 98 wc?

Level 98-99 woodcutting is about 1.2 million xp.

How long does it take to get 99 runecraft?

99 runecrafting is one of the most money making skills.... it might take along time but you can earn up to 300m getting to 99 99 runecrafting will take around 2-3 months.

How long will it take from lvl 79 to 99 woodcutting?

It depends on what you are cutting. If you are a member i suggest chopping ivy. NEVER chop yews to get to 99 woodcutting. Yews only give about 10k xp per hour while ivy gives roughly 130k per hour. I myself have been woodcutting for days straight. (obviously i used auto-clicker or bot) It takes about a day non-stop to get from lv79 to lv82 cutting ivy. Cutting willows is NOT a good way to get 99 wc. continuously cut ivy for about 3-4 days straight and you will have 90 wc. If you are a bit lazy, i suggest going to and downloading their program. It is virus free and very efficient and costs no money whatsoever. 90-99 wc will take a while, you will level up about every day and 1/2. If you are into the stealing creation game i suggest getting a very high amount of stealing creation points and purchasing a clay hatchet. You will need probably over 1000 points to get 99 wc. If you want to just chop regularly, buy a dragon hatchet for only about 1m. Here are a list of trees/ivy's that are not or are very effecient when you are getting 99 wc : Yews=terrible xp but good money, Willows=crappy xp and bad money, Ivy=very good xp but low money, Eucalyptus=ok xp and pretty good money, tree= terrible xp and bad money. I hope this helped you! Good luck getting your skillcape!

How long will it take to get 99 fishing botting sharks from 91?

about a week.

How long does it take from 77-99 cooking in runescape cooking lobs?

It depends how long you are on Runescape.

Related questions

How many willow logs starting from lvl 84 wc does it take to get 99 wc in runescape?

84 - 99= 130539525 84-99=149379

How long will it take you to get 99 wc from 86 in runescape plzzz answer?

From two weeks to a month. If you got any more questions PM me: WC God Xaros 6dayss and good luck

How long will it take me to get from 95 wc to 99 on ivy on runescape with a d hatchet I'm on 8hours a day?

Little less then a week...

How long will it take me to get 99 wc if i am a member and my wc lvl is 77 and i play at least 5 hours a day and yes i do have a life?

if you really do, i'd say about a week or 2, just make sure u cut ivy.

What is the fastest way to get 99 wc in runescape?

look at link below, it has wc training for p2p and f2p

How much xp is between 98 and 99 woodcuttingand not from 1 and 99?

It is around 1.2milxp -99 wc

What is the best xp to 99 wc?

willow trees

99 wc what should you cut in membs?

since u hav 99 wc you will have no problem cutting magic trees they are very good money 1.6-2k each

What is the best way to get 99 wc on runescape?

Go's got a good guide and there are other guide if u search the internet.I've got 99 WC ;)

How many willows do you need to cut from 80 to 99 wc?


In runescape how long it takes to cut a yew in 60 wc?

I Think U should get 99 to tell You the truth before cutting yews. Cut ivy all the way until 99 and then u can cut magic and yews for insane profit or just get 98 and do magics all the way to 99 for good profit and it wont take too long so ya.

Which makes most of money and which is fastest Wc 99 with yew hunt 99 with red chins or fishing 99 with monks?

Fishing monks with 99 fishing is the best.