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It depends on what you are cutting. If you are a member i suggest chopping ivy. NEVER chop yews to get to 99 woodcutting. Yews only give about 10k xp per hour while ivy gives roughly 130k per hour. I myself have been woodcutting for days straight. (obviously i used auto-clicker or bot) It takes about a day non-stop to get from lv79 to lv82 cutting ivy. Cutting willows is NOT a good way to get 99 wc. continuously cut ivy for about 3-4 days straight and you will have 90 wc. If you are a bit lazy, i suggest going to and downloading their program. It is virus free and very efficient and costs no money whatsoever. 90-99 wc will take a while, you will level up about every day and 1/2. If you are into the stealing creation game i suggest getting a very high amount of stealing creation points and purchasing a clay hatchet. You will need probably over 1000 points to get 99 wc. If you want to just chop regularly, buy a dragon hatchet for only about 1m. Here are a list of trees/ivy's that are not or are very effecient when you are getting 99 wc : Yews=terrible xp but good money, Willows=crappy xp and bad money, Ivy=very good xp but low money, Eucalyptus=ok xp and pretty good money, tree= terrible xp and bad money. I hope this helped you! Good luck getting your skillcape!

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