

Best Answer

There is a maximum of 99 waves of Zombies, at wave 99, an unlimited amount of zombies will be sent into the map until you die. This means the only way to determine who did better if two people both made it to 99, is who survived longer.

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Q: How Many levels are in Call of Duty Black Ops zombies?
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How many playing levels are there in call of duty black ops in zombies?


How do you get zombies on Call of Duty black ops?

you just have to beat the levels for the next zombie game

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Yes, the Call of Duty Black Ops for Wii will in fact have zombies.

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there are no ghosts

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it is not in zombies

Does Call of Duty Black Ops have zombies in it?

Yes, zombies are back in Black ops.

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There arevunlimited levels

What Call of Duty games got zombies?

Black Ops And call of duty 4

Can it be 4 players on call of duty black ops zombies on ps3 offline?

No there can not be 4 players on Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies on PS3 offline.

Does the Call of Duty Black Ops demo have zombies?

No, it does not.

Is nazi zombies on cod 4 at the end of the game?

no there are no zombies on Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, They are in the Call of Duty world at War and Call of Duty Black Ops

Does Call of Duty 3 have nazi zombies?

No only Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty Black Ops