Tu Madre
Stereo or mono depending on what your tv is set for
A "Blitz" Chao is a Two-Tone White Chao. You can get this Chao by breeding a White Mono-Tone with a Normal Chao.
Just plug yellow to yellow, and white to white. Yellow is video, red and white are stereo audio, but if you have no stereo input, you just use the white (i.e. mono). For some cables you use red instead of white, but this is rare. In some games, you can go into the settings and choose mono instead of stereo.
Here is the procedere. 1. Get any Mono-Tone Chao and raise it. 2. Get one of your other Chao that is a adult and isn't a Mono-Tone, and mate them. 3. The chances are 8/10, or possibly 7/10. Now, if you are going to get a White Two-Tone, the newborn will look like a normal, but if fed Dark Fruit, it will look different, along with Nuetral aswell.
You're looking for monotony.
Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, chills, loss of appetite, swollen lymph glands, severe soar throat, and fever.
Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, loss of apetite, fever, severe soar throat, chills, and swollen lymph glands.
Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, loss of apetite, fever, severe soar throat, chills, and swollen lymph glands.
A mono economy refers to an economy heavily dependent on a single industry or sector. The effects of a mono economy include vulnerability to fluctuations in that industry, lack of diversification leading to economic instability, and limited opportunities for growth and development in other sectors. Additionally, a mono economy can hinder innovation and resilience in the face of external shocks.
you are severely mentally disabled. there is an utter lack of coherence and understandability in your question you fat piece of poo.
last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.
Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast
Mw/Mn=1 Mono disperse Polymer sample consisting of molecules all of which have the same chain length Mw/Mn>1 Poly disperse Polymer consisting of molecules with the variety of chain length.
No, if you have Mono you cannot fly.