You need to move the existing family out on the neighbourhood menu and then move your new family in.
Try putting in the money cheat or fill all motives
probaly because its an expansion pack. Your gonna need sims 3 first. I know it domb lol . I've been through that, i had sims 3 animations and then it told me i need sims 3 game! i was heated! (which happend today on chrismas lol )
the woozworld wont let me in their is a guard standing and the guard is updating is the woozworld never gonna let me in forever?
idk if you can get naked in the sims 3 or any other sims game out there i might be wrong but they won't let you in the sims 2 sims 3 idk about the sims haven't played it yet
It changes the model. Say you are making a new top or a new pair of pants you could change the person that the pants were on.
Are you trying to evict a family from a house? You click on the bulldozer icon at the top of the screen and then place the bulldozer over the house you want to evict from and click. It will ask if you want to evict the family, click yes and they are out of there! It then asks if you want to bulldoze the house if no then click no. Place the bulldozer back over the icon at the top of the screen and click. It will go away and you can do what you wanted to do with the house or family.
It should?? Try using your sims's phone to travel.
No u cant cause they wont let you cause u be ugly
I think it may be Partners, but it wont let me get married or have kids.
Because the game is going wrong.Ok
If you wait until the end of the holiday, your sims should automatically leave. If not, you're screwed ):
Colonels could evict people from their homes if such as in private peaceful the colenel threatens to evict the peacefuls as it was a tied cottage.Meaning that,as mr peaceful died and can no longer work for the colonel the colonel can't let them stay in the cottage.
if youre not in love with that person then they will not go into the bed.
Delete it off your computer then install it back on!
Try putting in the money cheat or fill all motives
Take a dump!
probaly because its an expansion pack. Your gonna need sims 3 first. I know it domb lol . I've been through that, i had sims 3 animations and then it told me i need sims 3 game! i was heated! (which happend today on chrismas lol )