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yes he is because he came to earth to destroy the earth and get the dragon balls

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Q: Is vegeta a bad guy
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Is vegeta a good or bad guy?

vegeta cant help it his father and his race were killed by frieza he has the right to be that way

Does Vejeta love Bulma?

This is just a guess but i think vegeta does love bulma but not that much vegeta isn't' that bad of a guy he just has anger issues.

Who is a bad boy Goku or Vegeta?

*spoiler* Vegeta at first however when goku manages to beat him vegeta gets angry and try's to become stronger than goku but never succeed and while trying to become stronger he takes out the bad guys with goku and slowly but surely he becomes a good guy.

Is it true that raditz is vegeta?

Where did you hear something this blatantly stupid? Raditz is Goku's old brother that works for Vegeta and is infinitely less powerful. Vegeta is the prince of the former Saiyan Empire, and the bad guy turned Anti-Hero. Raditz dies in the first saga, and Vegeta becomes a main character.

Why does Vegeta want to kill Goku?

Right. It's because Vegeta visted Goku and Vegeta forgot that he had ammnesia and later Goku said he was a good guy.

Family tree of vegeta?

Vegeta is the son of King Vegeta. Vegeta has a wife named Bulma who is the daughter of Dr. Brief. Vegeta and Bulma have a son Named Trunks who then marries to Bulla Ok, what the heck is the first guy smoking. Bulla is Trunk's sister. Vegeta also has a brother named Tarble.

Who is yajirobi?

hes the guy who met goku when he fought vegeta

Is Vegeta bad?

Vegeta is bad at first but then becomes good allys with Goku. He's always a bit, er, grumpy through out the whole show though...

Dbz- who is baby vageta?

Real answer is.... Baby Vegeta is. well lets start off at who baby is.. baby is a tuffle (The saiyan race killed the tuffles and soome DNA was sent off) so Baby stole everyone on earths body and made them his followers he went inside vegetas as he is the strongest. So baby vegeta is vegeta beung cintrolled by a bad guy named baby..

What do you have to do to unlock vegeta in ssf2?

The guy who answered before me is a dumb***, you can unlock two characters now, black mage and captain falcon, i dont know how to unlock vegeta, he might not even be on there

What was Goku's reaction when he found out about Trunks' parents?

Goku was surprised that Vegeta was the father of Trunks (and so the wife of Bulma), but he was happy for Vegeta and Bulma and didn't think it was "bad."

Is vegeta dead?

bad guy cause attack of the saiyans ends just after vegeta goes to his space ship to eascape earth but ifyour thinking of buying the game i recommend you will cause it starts a little before the piccolo jr saga and you play as 6 different people(yamcha goku tien gohan piccolo and krillin)