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Tyranitar is definitely a strong Pokemon. Its attack, defense, and HP is high and tyranitar also learns great moves like stone edge, earthquake, dark pulse, and hyper beam with using TMs. I have a tyranitar and it is great. If you want to make your tyranitar stronger is stats, the right when pupitar evolves into tyranitar, go to veilstone city and buy many stat raisers like protein. The more Pokemon your new tyranitar fights, the less stat ups it will eat. So when you just get tyranitar, go buy a LOT of stat raisers, at least as many as you can, tyranitar will eat at least 5 of each stat raisers: protein, iron, calcium, zinc, carbos, and HP up. However, I am sure that PP ups will not be affected by the amount of trainers tyranitar fights. This rule applies will all other Pokemon, and if you get a Pokemon that does not evolve, right when you catch it will be the best time to try this method. If you do this method, you will have slightly stronger Pokemon than if you did not use this method. Try it out, it does cost a lot, but look around for trainers who will give a LOT of reward money and you will be rich FAST.

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