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Yes a promo code.

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Q: Is there codes for action all-stars?
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Related questions

Do cheat codes really work on action all-stars?

Yes, cheats work on action allstars because I've done cheats before.

What is action allstars?

a fun site.

What is a name you would name a game?

Action Allstars

What is better Action all-stars or Upper Deck U?

Action allstars kill!

Where is the Algeria flag on action all-stars?

in the action allstars store behind the counter

How do you get stuff in action all-stars?

by going to action allstars store mvp only

Where is the Portugal flag in action allstars?

it is in lebron james's turf

Can change your username on action allstars?

No. You can only change your password

Is there a cheat code for action allstars?

Yes it is a promo code.

Are there any games like action all-stars?

yes it is called Mario action allstars

What is the promo code on

the promo code for action allstars is starq5po

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