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go to or to get a buttload of action replay codes for the ds

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Q: Action replay codes for puzzle quest?
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How do you input codes into the game dragon quest joker DQM?

buy an action replay

Do you go to church to enter codes on dragon quest ix?

No, you need an Action Replay to use cheat codes.

Where do you enter cheats on dragon quest 9?

If you mean Action Replay (AR) codes (which are comprised of groups of 8 letters or numbers), you need a device known as an 'Action Replay'.

Are there Dragon Quest IX cheats?

there are none, unless u get Action Replay max

Are there infinite item action replay codes for dragon quest 8 journey of the cursed king?

Well I've searched the web and I think there are no cheat codes AT ALL for the game.

Where does it say cheats code on dragon quest 9 on ds?

It doesn't You need an Action Replay or similar device to use cheat codes.

Where do you write the cheat codes in dragon quest ix sentinels of the starry skies?

You dont actualy write them in you have to buy a Action replay device to put them in.

How do you mod on dragon quest 9?

u can't its called action replay which is the same as cheats

How do you get infinite health on dragon quest nine?

Use an Action Replay.

Are there any cheats for dragon quest 9?

apparently no unless you have a action replay but DO NOT use it it destroys game and action replay wont work at all