You should get the Pokewalker when you buy HG/SS since it comes included in the pack, unless of course your a rom user, then there's no way to get one unless you buy the real game.
You can get more watts on the pokewalker by putting it in a big truck and just keep moving it. Tape it on it.
you can get a houndour in the pokewalker and then you just evolve it
Not sure if you register but if you buy heart gold or soul silver you automatically get one with the package.
By unlocking the pokewalker route
it was meant to say how TO turn on a pokewalker. anyway just tapp middle button
It comes bundled w/ Pokemon Heatgold/Soulsilver.You can also buy one from, just look up pokewalker.
You cant get pokewalker in soulsilver when you buy it you get it at gamestop in the box is the pokewalker
buy it?
Yes You can buy a back-up pokewalker on places like eBay or amazon
you can buy a pokewalker by buying the game Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver game pack.
To get the Pokewalker, you have to buy the game that goes with it (because otherwise, the Pokewalker is useless), which is either Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.
No! They did the neatest little thing. The cartridge is very special. when you buy it for real, the cartridge is infrared and the thing at the top of the pokewalker is too, so instead of installing wifi on the Pokewalker(that would cost a lot) they did the infrared thing. Just buy the game.
This is most likely not possible. Because the only way that I know of to obtain a Pokewalker you must buy Pokemon Soulsilver or Pokemon Heartgold. or you can buy it at
Yes but most of them are piracy hacks or private owners becides the pokewalker comes free
IM so sorry, no you have to buy a new game with the pokewalker