you can get a houndour in the pokewalker and then you just evolve it
evolve from houndour
Houndour, Houndoom, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland. Legends: Entei, Suicune, and Raikou. Find them in Pokemon Platinum, Black, Heartgold, and Silversoul.
Houndour evolves into Houndoom at level 24.
Houndoom is exclusive to Pokemon Pearl so it must be traded.
You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.
evolve from houndour
Umbreon Houndour Houndoom
you can catch houndour on route 7 at night only and evolve it to level 24 and that's how you can get houndoom well that or you can trade
Houndour, Houndoom, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland. Legends: Entei, Suicune, and Raikou. Find them in Pokemon Platinum, Black, Heartgold, and Silversoul.
The Pokemon Houndour is Fire
Houndoom is a Johto pokemon and none of the Johto pokemon are in the first pokemon rumble.
Houndoom is Dark- Fire
houndoom is way better
Houndour evolves into Houndoom at level 24.
Houndoom is exclusive to Pokemon Pearl so it must be traded.
No, Houndoom evolves from Houndour at level 24.
You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.