quality'1st edition' is printed on the first 'batch' of that particular product to be printed. Some people value them a little more highly than Unlimited prints of those same cards, but otherwise it doesn't really 'mean' anything.
There's not much of a difference in size, but if you put a PS2 disk into a DVD player, you probably just get the audio, if anything. This is very rare.
Well, there is a color difference. And the normal Wii comes with Wii Sports only. (May vary because some come with Wii Sports Resort) but the Red Wii comes with a Mario game and Wii Sports.
There is no way of telling if a Pokemon in an egg is shiny until it hatches. Sorry.
One is Black, the normal wireless controller is White.
i dont think so
svr 2011 is normal svr 2011 limited edition has the downloadable code for bret hart
Nothing but the front cover!
game of the year edition has survival pack normal one don't. if u have normal one you can buy it off xbox live marketplace for 800 Microsoft points
the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet is that a micro pet is a really small animal such as a micro pig and a normal animal is a animal just like a normal person normal size normal wight and that is the difference between a normal animal and a micro animal.
you probably should get the prestige edition it would be more money but worth it
it depends on the game. EXP: monopoly special editions have different game pieces, spaces ect... some even have gold pieces
What is the difference between normal saline solution and ringer's lactate solution?
what is defference between normal and preference shares
By finishing all prestige challenges (you find them under your normal challenges when you prestige).
The difference between normal and average respiratory rate is simple. Normal is healthy and cannot change and average most certainly can change.
The Spore Galactic edition comes with a poster of spore, the strategy guide, the disc and the instruction manual, a special box, and a DvD of Will Wright and National Geographic talking about evolution. The normal spore comes with the disc and the instruction manual.