There's not much of a difference in size, but if you put a PS2 disk into a DVD player, you probably just get the audio, if anything. This is very rare.
The difference between it is the case and the price. A game becomes a platinum game once it hit 400k units sold I believe. The game DVD still has the same thing as a normal game DVD. Just a way for the sellers to mark down what use to be a popular game for others to buy.
u need a disk that you would normally burn DVD's on. you can go to almost any computer store and ask for blank disks that you can burn DVD's on. however the disk needs to have 7 or 8 gigs of memory
LoL All Yall So Stupid FIND THE DISCK!
It reads the discs whether they are CD DVD or BluRay, it can not write or burn discs
Not with a 4.7 GB disk, you'd have to invest in a 8.5GB dual layer disk. I'd look on eBay.
no hi people
The difference between optical and non optical is the way the drive in the DVD reads the disk. Optical is a better and more higher quality reader. So the picture is much better.
a flash disc can store info such as a project you do on Microsoft or something. While a DVD can only store video.
CD-R is Compact Disk - Read CD-RW is Compact Disk - Read, Write
Depends on what you mean by "zip". A zip file is a file of data that has been compressed to maximize storage space. A zip disk was a removeable magnetic recording medium that held more than a floppy disk, but less than a DVD. A DVD is an optical medium. You can put zip files on a DVD, but they will not be playable on a DVD player, since software is required in order to "unzip" them.
most DVD players (95%) will play audio discs but to be sure check the user manual that came with your DVD player
The best format is Blu-Ray DVD disks, but the most common disk is a standard DVD disk.
ram holds more
rightable and rewightable
Simple. The answer is cheese.
In short, Data DVD only can be played in computer, and DVD can be played on both DVD play and computer.
it is a CD(Compact Disk) and a DVD (Digital Video Disk)