Well, there is a color difference. And the normal Wii comes with Wii Sports only. (May vary because some come with Wii Sports Resort) but the Red Wii comes with a Mario game and Wii Sports.
Wii remote plus is black and wii remote is white and less advanced but also less expensive
The Wii 2 or Wii U will have a new controller with a touch screen embedded in it. It will also be more powerful and able to run at High Definition.
Click on the red button that says "sync" on the Wii, next to where you put an SD card. Than click on the red button on the Wii remote next to where you put the bateries.
Turn on the Wii and open the case on the back of the 2nd Wii remote and you will find a red button that says sync. Then open the little door on the front of your Wii,and you will find another red button. Press the red sync button on both the Wii and Wii remote at the same time. After all that, the 2nd light on the 2nd Wii remote should light up blue
open the cover where the batteries are kept in a wii remote,open the small slot near the CD slot in the wii, you should be able to see red buttons saying "sync" on both the wii and the wii remote and then, press them both at around the same time.On the front of the wii console, there is a flap. In it, there is a red button so press and hold it for 15sec. Then, press the red button on your wii remote (under battery cover) to sync it
Wii U is handheld.
one is called remote and the other is called controller
the 'solus'
There is no difference they are all the same as they are located in the same region!
no they are both pal wiis
Super Mario Kart is not for Wii.
There is no such thing as Wii reflex. The only thing that strikes my mind is Ninja reflex, which is a wii game..... don't get it.
Apert of the name, you can get Wii Ware on the Wii shop channel You cannot buy WiiWare in store
Wii remote plus is black and wii remote is white and less advanced but also less expensive
different songs.
wii has more graphics than ds