Action replay
Ypu can enter cheat codes by gettng action replay which i know you can get at target for around 20.00.
of coures there is animal crossing ww codes to get codes to get code go on
I have looked this up on-line many times but there is no island cheat for wild world. Sorry.
You will need an Action Replay which will allow you to use cheat codes on almost any game. Then from there you just use hex codes to get whatever you would like such as infinite bells, and also you can pay off your mortgage a lot easier! !
The only type of code you can get on 'Animal Crossing: Wild World' is a 'Friend Code' for WiFi'ing. Not cheat codes.
Action replay
Ypu can enter cheat codes by gettng action replay which i know you can get at target for around 20.00.
Some codes for Animal jam wild,play free,potion, and New Year Jam.
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There isn't any cheat codes on wild world
If you are talking about animal crossing for DS (wild world) then yes you can use Actiomn Replay cheat codes.
No but there are cheat codes 4 more people that you want. 4 more cheat cheat codes go on:
it depands what u mean by cheat codes there isn't a way to input codes but if u have a action replay (a ds cheating device) u can use it to activate the codes that r on ur action replay
There is no "master cheat" for Animal Crossing: Wild World.
I'm not sure of the codes, click on the link below for more information.