No, additionally we will only see gen 5 Pokemon until the story is finished. So no more caves filled with geodudes and zubats :)
Source: Pokemon monday
Pokemon White and Pokemon Black are the 5th Generation of Pokemon games. With the newest Pokemon, Zorua and Zoroark debuting in the 13th Pokemon Movie: "Phantom Pokemon Zoroark", the 5th generation of Pokemon games have finally been announced. Pokemon White and Pokemon Black are to be released in the fall of 2010 in Japan. These new games have improved visuals and a different point-of-view.
No. Pokemon Black and White have new Pokemon that the past games' engines cannot recognize. Even if you battle with Pokemon from previous generations, they might be loaded with moves from the new generation.
Yes. The 5th generation region is called the Isshu region. The Isshu starters are Tsutaaja, Pokabu, and Mijumaru. The first games to feature the Isshu region and 5th generation Pokemon is called Pokemon Black and white versions in japan. Be sure to check out for images and details on all 5th generation information including screenshots and new Pokemon. _________________ check out these sites' 5th gen pages
There will be 2 new Pokemon called Zorua & Zoroark. They will be legendary and will be the logo Pokemon for the new Pokemon games "Pokemon Black" & "Pokemon White", which are coming out in 2011. The "3DS" will come out the around the same time as the additions to the Pokemon series of games.
A Thunder Stone is an evolutionary stone that allows certain Pokemon to evolve when exposed to it. In the third generation of Pokemon games, there is one Thunder Stone in New Mauville, and they can be had from the Diving Treasure Hunter for Yellow Shards.
no unfourntuntly you can't. The reason this is; is to stop the generation 4 Pokemon games from corrupting when a new Pokemon from Pokemon black and white is traded that doen't exist in the Pokemon generation 4 games.
The actual games? No. They are the first games of the new 5th generation of Pokemon.
No, you can't. This is because Diamond is Generation 4, and Black and White are generation five. Like with all Pokemon games, Pokemon from later generations can't be traded to games from an earlier generation because the earlier generation doesn't have the new Pokemon on the Pokedex.
You can't get new Pokemon into old games. Lucario is a 4th generation Pokemon and emerald is a 3rd generation game.
The next set of games following HG & SS will be black and white. The 5th generation of Pokemon. If you notice the order of the games since Ruby and Saphire, it goes 2 New Generation games, 1 improved New Gen. game, a remake of an older generation, 2 Next Gen games... and so on.
Yes. Pokemon Black and Pokemon White were recently announced with the new Pokemon Movie "Phantom Pokemon: Zororark". This is the 5th generation of the Pokemon games and is scheduled to come out sometime towards the end of 2010 in Japan.
As far as I have been able to tell, Pokemon Black/White have no Eevee evolution. The theme for the new game is this that you cannot catch old Pokemon in the new region, like you couldn't catch old Pokemon in the Hoenn region (you may trade in from generation IV later in the game). The old eeveelutions can be traded in, and via dream world, some may even get new abilities, but that's it.
Zoroa and Zoroark are 5th Generation Pokemon,your playing 4th Generation, 5th will be out in Late 2010 or Early 2011
Yes, there will be a new Pokemon game released in the Fall of 2013. The duo games are Pokemon X and Y. These games feature a whole new generation of Pokemon ( the 6th generation), and includes exclusive legendary Pokemon within each game, Xerneas for X, and Yveltal for Y. These games are also special, due to the fact that these games will be sold all over the world, at the same time. The new region is said to be based off France, as the Black and White series, were based off of America.
Pokemon White and Pokemon Black are the 5th Generation of Pokemon games. With the newest Pokemon, Zorua and Zoroark debuting in the 13th Pokemon Movie: "Phantom Pokemon Zoroark", the 5th generation of Pokemon games have finally been announced. Pokemon White and Pokemon Black are to be released in the fall of 2010 in Japan. These new games have improved visuals and a different point-of-view.
No. Pokemon Black and White have new Pokemon that the past games' engines cannot recognize. Even if you battle with Pokemon from previous generations, they might be loaded with moves from the new generation.
No because Pokemon Battle Revolution is a generation four game, while Pokemon Black and White are generation five games. There is no way to move Pokemon backwards through generations, but you can move Pokemon from older to newer generations.