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No, but the Mega Mushroom does appear in New Super Mario Bros.

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Q: Is there a mega mushroom in new Super Mario Bros wii?
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What is a difference between new super Mario bros and new super Mario bros wii?

it's for the wii and it has different levels and has no mega mushroom

In new super Mario bros is star more powerful or mega mushroom?

The Star:) mega mushroom is really only good to run over people with.

New super Mario bros ds multiplayer how to become big?

Keep collecting 8 coins until you get a MEGA MUSHROOM.

What are the items on Super Mario Bros?

Mushroom, Invincibility (looks like a star), 1up mushroom (gives you an extra life), fire flower (let's you use fireballs), mini mushroom (shrinks mario/luigi), mega mushroom (makes mario/luigi grow to a huge amount), and blue shell.

In Mario bros how do you get a mega mushrom?

You either could use an action replay, get a mega mushroom at the mushroom house or find one in ablock that is used instantly

In New Super Mario Bros what happens when you are Mega Mario and touch lava?

You shrink to super Mario automatically and die

Is there a meger mushroom in new Super Mario Brothers Wii?

No, there are no mega mushrooms on new super Mario bros wii. But that just isn't fair! There are new power ups, such as the ice flower, penguin suit, and propeller mushrooms.

What happens when you collect all the big coins on Mario bros ds?

You could go into the little toad house get mushroom or lives or mega mushroom,

How do you get to world 6 on new Super Mario Brothers DS?

beat the boss with mega mushroom

What is the easiest way to beat the final boss on New Super Mario Bros?

I recommend you keep a Mega Mushroom and when it's boss time, take it, stomp Bowser Jr, and jump on Bowser.

How do you defeat browser in Super Mario Brothers?

in the new super Mario bros Nintendo dual screen what i did was get the mega mushroom before i entered the final castle. When i finally met up with bowser at the end i used the mushroom ( after crossing though a small dor because if you use the mega muchroom before that you get stuck ) and plowed through everyone there. It works well but maybe there are other ways to beat it too.

What games are mega mushrooms in?

They'll appear in new super Mario bros but I'm not sure if they're in the wii version