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You can play online with other people with "warhammer"

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Q: Is there a game that you can play online with other people online game called warhammer?
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Warhammer vampire counts?

In the game Warhammer Fantasy Battle, there were two groups of playable Undead. One group was called Tomb Kings and the other group was the called Vampire Counts.

Where can you download free Warhammer 40000 rules books and codexes?

ANSWERThe only legal download'able content for Warhammer 40,000, can be found at This includes FAQs, Scenarios, Articles, Errata, and a few other tidbits. The only way to get Warhammer 40,000 Rulebooks and Codices is buy buying them from the site online store, GW store, or hobby stockist. All other downloads are illegal

Is warhammeer for nerds?

No. I do Warhammer and I originally thought that it was a nerds only thing. This however is a completely untrue stereotype. There are actually many girls who do warhammer, a few tradies, policemen and your regular people. Many fathers get their wives and eventually kids hooked in to it aswell. Saying Warhammer is for nerds is like saying that anyone who does any of the arts are nerds aswell. Warhammer is about sculpting, creative ideas, converting, landscaping, painting and strategy. You may think what you want, but is warhammer fans are nerds, than so are many, many other people.

What types of warhammer are there?

Well, Space Marines and Chaos Marines are the main ones. Space Marines get different types, by their specialty. Assault Marines specialize in hand to hand combat. Devastator Marines specialize in heavy weapons, etc.

Is there games online where you can make your own levels?

there is an online game called roblox where you can make your own game and play the ones from other people

Do you have to payment for warhammer?

You have to make a single payment to get the game; but, other than that, no.

Is there a online game where you can be a animal or pet?

In WolfQuest, there is an online mode where you can play in a private or open room with other people. Another animal game is called Jade wolf, and it too, is online. :)

In warhammer can orcs and goblins beat lizardmen?

AnswerYes! In Warhammer any army can beat any other army. All it takes is some good tactics and a bit of luck.

How do you get Warhammer for free?

You cannot get Warhammer for free, just like you can't get Tennis for free. The concept and the question don't add up. You can however get the rulebooks, codices, and miniatures associated with Warhammer for free, if someone gives them to you, or you win them through competitions. The other alternative is to buy them.

World of Warcraft or Warhammer online age of reckoning?

If you like to play PvE, or against hordes of monsters, plan raids and work with a clan against NPCs, then WoW is for you. If you like focusing on killing other people rather then NPCs, then Warhammer Online AoR is for you. Generally, lore-wise, there are a lot of simularities...Blizzard used to work for Games Workshop. If you are more of a Lord of the Rings fan, Warhammer. If you like subtle, personal conflicts, politics more then brute gore, want more journeying then slaughtering, WoW. If you like the concept of Eternal War raging around you, and that everyone is your enemy and death is at every turn, Warhammer. If you like not knowing your friend from your enemy, and mystical atmospheres and legendary inviduals, WoW. Generally, if you like stories, and you're looking for heroes and inspiring figures, World of Warcraft is your choice. If you're a stand-alone, where there are kings and peasents, few in between, then Warhammer is your choice. Atmosphere? Warhammer is like...gothic fantasy. It's more Tolkin-ic then WoW. World of Warcraft is...FANTASY fantasy, crystal-like, magic themes more then steel and grass. Warhammer has better graphics and texture, but both do almost equal animation. Personally, I like WoW more because Paladins are not exlusive to humans, and are not bald 'Warrior Priests' who actually worship a human. I like the concept of's more...mysterious. Warhammer has three classes for every race...and Orcs in warhammer are steryeotypical; stupid, ugly and mean. World of warcraft has more personal complexity...but Warhammer has better class balance. But it doesn't matter much. I'll choose WoW. What will you chose?

How do you vs other people on the psp?

how do you vs other people on a psp what do you pres do vs people online

What does T stand for in Warhammer?

AnswerIt stands for a models toughness, or in other words, how resilient that model is to damage.