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Yes, there is a female Pikachu. For most of the Pokemon in the game, there are both male and female. The chance of finding each gender is usually different depending on the Pokemon. Pikachu has a 50% chance of being either gender, so you'll get the gender you want soon enough.

Since Diamond and Pearl, some Pokemon have a different appearance depending on their gender. A Female Pikachu's tail will have a sort of heart shape at the tip, a Male Aipom will have a taller hair tuft on top of it's head, even a Female Wobbuffet is wearing lipstick.

There are Pokemon that are only one gender, and some that are genderless. If you are trying to breed a Pokemon with a Male gender or no gender at all, you can use a Ditto to get an Egg for that Pokemon.

For more information on Gender Ratios, and other Pokemon stuff, I'd suggest It has quite a bit of Pokemon stuff in general, if you want to know about other Pokemon things.

This is a Pokedex of the Pokemon as they are in Diamond, Pearl, and on.

If you'd like the Third Generation Pokedex, here it is. The Third Gen Pokedex is how the Pokemon are from Ruby and Sapphire to XD for the Gamecube.

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In the place where you would normally get one - Virirdian Forest In fact, I have a female Pikachu in my HeartGold party right now.

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There was an episode where team rocket was trying to capture hundreds of pikachu in a big field. If one of them wasn't female, I'd be surprised.

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