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no there isn't

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Q: Is there a dolphin Pokemon
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Can you exchange Pokemon from VBA to Dolphin? cant...they are two separate platforms.

How can I transfer pokemons from Pokemon Pearl on DS emulator to Pokemon Battle Revolution on dolphin?

This may be stupid, but you can either transfer from your ds to dolphin, or transfer a rom prfl (profile) to the wii XD

Which emulator is used to play Pokemon Battle Revolution on PC?

Dolphin Emulator works.

How can you beat a dragon type Pokemon?

enter the cheat code dolphin blood and then you should receive the Pokemon leesmith and it will use the move currybomb and destroy it in one hit

How do you extract Pokemon XD?

you need Winrar to extract it if your using dolphin emulator heres a link

What is the size of a dolphin the dolphin is about 30 lb?

no a dolphin is about 150lbs but depends if you have a baby dolphin or a adolt dolphin and there is your dolphin anser bey

What are the names of 5 different types of dolphin?

I'll give you the 32 types the Bottlenose dolphin, the Killer Whale, the Common dolphin, the False Killer Whale, the Hector's dolphin, the Short-Finned Pilot Whale, the Commerson's dolphin, the Long-Finned Pilot Whale, the Black dolphin, the Atlantic Humpbacked dolphin, the Haeviside's dolphin, the Indo-Pacific Humpbacked dolphin, the Southern Right Whale dolphin, the Tucuxi, the Northern Right dolphin, the Pygmy Killer Whale, the Spotted dolphin, the Melon-Headed Whale, the Atlantic Spotted dolphin, the Irrawaddy dolphin, the Striped dolphin, the Rough-Toothed dolphin, the Spinner dolphin, the Risso's dolphin, the Clymene dolphin, the Fraser's dolphin, the White-Beaked dolphin, the Peale's dolphin, the Atlantic White-Sided dolphin, the Hourglass dolphin, the Pacific White-Sided dolphin and the Dusky dolphin.

What are some dolphin breeds?

Normal ocean going dolphins: Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin Chilean Dolphin Clymene Dolphin Commerson's Dolphin Dusky Dolphin Fraser's Dolphin Heaviside's Dolphin Hector's Dolphin Hourglass Dolphin Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin Irrawaddy Dolphin Long-Beaked Common Dolphin Northern Rightwhale Dolphin Pacific White-Sided Dolphin Pantropical Spotted Dolphin Peale's Dolphin Risso's Dolphin Rough-Toothed Dolphin Short-Beaked Common Dolphin Southern Rightwhale Dolphin Spinner Dolphin Striped Dolphin Tucuxi White-Beaked Dolphin River or fresh water dolphins: Baiji- Chinese river dolphin Boto- Amazon river dolphin Franciscana- La plata river dolphin Ganges River Dolphin Indus River Dolphin Dolphins that are also called whales: Orca- Killer whale False Killer Whale Pygmy Killer Whale Melon-Headed Whale Long-Finned Pilot Whale Short-Finned Pilot Whale

How many tipes of dolphins are there?

Atlantic Hump-Backed Dolphin Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Atlantic White Sided Dolphin Black Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin Clymene Dolphin Commersome's Dolphin Dusky Dolphin False Killer Whale Frasier's Dolphin Heaviside's Dolphin Hector's Dolphin Hourglass Dolphin Indo-Pacific Hump-back Irrawaddy Dolphin Long-finned Pilot Whale Long-Beaked Common Dolphin Long-Snouted Spotted Dolphin Melon Headed Dolphin Northern Right-Whale Dolphin Orcas (Killer Whale) Pantropical Dolphin Pacific-White Sided Dolphin Peale's Dolphin Pygmy Killer Whale Risso's Dolphin Rough Toothed Dolphin Short Finned Pilot Whale Short Beaked Common Dolphin Southern Right Whale Dolphin Striped Dolphin White Beaked Dolphin

Does a female dolphin need a male dolphin to get a baby dolphin?

Yes, a female dolphin cannot sexually reproduce and have a baby dolphin without the male dolphin.

Is a dolphin a kind of dolphin?

The simple answer is no, a dolphin is not a kind of dolphin. However, they do share a common ancestor, aptly named a dolphin.

What are the 40 species of dolphin?

There are 33 different types (though the site only lists 32) of marine dolphins, 4 types of river dolphins and 6 types of porpoises. Some you would never think were part of the dolphin family like the "Killer Whale or Orca". Marine -- White Beaked Dolphin Short Finned Pilot Whale Risso's Dolphin Pantropical Dolphin Long-Finned Pilot Whale Orcas (Killer Whale) Hourglass Dolphin Heaviside's Dolphin False Killer Whale Commerson's Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin Striped Dolphin Peale's Dolphin Pygmy Killer Whale Melon-Headed Dolphin Irrawaddy Dolphin Hector's Dolphin Frasier's Dolphin Dusky Dolphin Clymene Dolphin Black Dolphin Southern Right-Whale Dolphin Rough Toothed Dolphin Short Beaked Common Dolphin Pacific White-Sided Dolphin Northern Right-Whale Dolphin Long-Snouted Spinner Dolphin Long-Beaked Common Dolphin Indo-Pacific Hump-Back Atlantic White Sided Dolphin Atlantic Hump-Backed Dolphin Atlantic Spotted Dolphin River -- Baiji, or Yangtze river Dolphin Boto, or Amazon River Dolphin Franciscana or La plata Dolphin Indus & Ganges River Dolphin Porpoises -- Burmeister's Porpoise Dall's Porpoise Finless Porpoise Harbor Porpoise Spectacled Porpoise Vaquita Porpoise