Nope~ Just treasure boxes... er box. XD I think there's two to four boxes... I haven't been there in awhile, but there's no boss at the end.
No, there are no legendary Pokemon there, just a rare item.
the ruins are to the far right of solaceon. you have to go behing the building at the top right corner in solaceon. then you will see ridges. go to the one all the way to the right. go down, and you should end up at the entrance to the ruins...i hope that i was able to help you!!!
The solaceon riuns is in solaceon town. To get to the ruins you fly to solaceon town and go up until you pass a house then instantly go right and then keep going right until it's a dead end. Now go down down down down and when you see a cave entrance stop and go in there. That's the ruins right there. That's also where I caught all 28 unown. Hope you catch em all!
Go in to the center of the town and try to enter the ruins. At the stairs, there is an old lady who will stop you. She is the elder, and you have to go beat the Galactic grunt she talks about. Once you do that, she walks up to you and then you can deliver the Old Charm. After that, go into the ruins, and at the end read the carving thingamabobber, and Cynthia's gramma walks up AGAIN. You MUST do this because she gives you the HM Surf.
sometimes Team rocket wants to sell the pokemon they capture to make money, so they can fund those giant robots they always build and end up destroying. Other times, as with pikachu, they want to use the pokemon for their own purposes, like powering machines, being collector items for the boss or for use in battle.
a egg for a rare pkmn and some vauble items use yiur brain
The concealed ruins may lead to hidden treasures or ancient artifacts. However, what is found at the end can vary depending on the specific location and its history. It could be a chamber, a crypt, a ceremonial site, or even nothing of value.
i havent figured it out yet but there is a special Pokemon at the end of the ruins
you get it at the solaceon ruins at the end of it
No, there are no legendary Pokemon there, just a rare item.
You can find the M form of Unown in the Solaceon Ruins of Pokemon Platinum. This form of Unown appears in the dead-end rooms of the Ruins.
you find the steel statue in chroma ruins near the end of the ruins
it is just for a rare item at the end that you can sell to the millionaire
Hes the last boss at the end.
At the end of Solaceon Town's ruins, it is one of the four items found there.
You need to have an event Arceus or an Arceus from pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum and take it too the ruins of alph and there will be a guy who talks to you and you eventually end up in another set of ruins between sinnoh and Jhoto (Shinjho Ruins i think it's called) then you will choose what pokemon you want out of Dialga, Palkia or Girantina and you will receive an egg and that's it
The last boss in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of Time is Dialga. After that boss you get the credits list and it says "The End". But it's possible to keep playing after that.