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It is really good, but slow. It hits high, but I would use it on npcs and not in pvp.

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Q: Is the dharok great axe good for strength training?
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Is the dharok great axe good for strength traiingin?

it is, but not recommended, use a dragon scimitar or a saradomin sword, which is much quicker.

what exercises are good for strenght training?

There are many different exercises that are good for strength training. Check out this site for a list of them:

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Calcium and strength training.

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Yes, dumbbells are a good source for strength training. For strength training you will need to work on less reps with more weight and slowly increase that over time.

What is a good book to help me plan my weight training?

Starting Strength and Strength Training Anatomy are both excellent, in-print books that can help you plan and execute your weight training.

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Strength training for women in women is very similar to men's strength training, as a different level. Good exercises are squats, push ups, sit ups, and free weights.

Does strength training increase or decrease muscle mass?

Assuming that you are eating properly and using a good strength training program, strength training will increase your muscle mass. Just look at champion bodybuilders, especially champion natural bodybuilders: they all became more muscular by doing strength training.

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How many sports are good for our muscles?

Climbing combines cardio and strength-training, so it is a great sport for a total-body workout. When bouldering you will experience muscle gain and, in the meantime, you can have fun.