It is really good, but slow. It hits high, but I would use it on npcs and not in pvp.
500k-600k Not too Much Its not good without The full Set. Save
In my opinion, defence for higher levels is not that hard, but takes time. Attack and strength are good to raise. I recommend training all of them.
It depends on what your hitpoints are and what your armour is. However I find the spiders in the third level of the stronghold of security good training as they are aggressive and don't hit terrible high.
It is a good way to make money if you are good at it. It is not a particularly good way to gain experience points in combat compared to training on monsters, because you can only fight players who are fairly close to you in combat level (this is even more problematic if you are a strength pure and are fighting a balanced player or one with very high defense).
At 50 attack AND 50 strength, you can use the GRANITE MAUL. A very very very very good weapon with a very very good special attack. Very good for pking and duels. Otherwise, just stick with rune scimitar until you have 50 strength.
it is, but not recommended, use a dragon scimitar or a saradomin sword, which is much quicker.
There are many different exercises that are good for strength training. Check out this site for a list of them:
Some good strength and cross training workouts can be found in magazines, workout shows If want to include some strength and cross training into my workout. What are some good workouts to add.
Calcium and strength training.
Yes, dumbbells are a good source for strength training. For strength training you will need to work on less reps with more weight and slowly increase that over time.
Starting Strength and Strength Training Anatomy are both excellent, in-print books that can help you plan and execute your weight training.
Strength training for women in women is very similar to men's strength training, as a different level. Good exercises are squats, push ups, sit ups, and free weights.
Assuming that you are eating properly and using a good strength training program, strength training will increase your muscle mass. Just look at champion bodybuilders, especially champion natural bodybuilders: they all became more muscular by doing strength training.
500k-600k Not too Much Its not good without The full Set. Save
Whether it be a Weider or Everlast or Valeo weight lifting belt you use for strength training, any of these trusted, durable and supportive weight lifting belts will be good for a beginner.
Climbing combines cardio and strength-training, so it is a great sport for a total-body workout. When bouldering you will experience muscle gain and, in the meantime, you can have fun.