Most likely not, it is a hack, so you will get banned if you try it. And it is fine i got it and got 50,000 coins BUT later on today my Norton said fake app attack so i got rid of it.
Yes club penguin is a very safe game for kids there is safe chat on there so you can put that on and if it is not on safe chat penguins do not say rude things
Your penguin has to be in "safe chat" mode, not "ultimate safe chat" mode.
Be a standard safe chat penguin.
If it's a virus related then it will take up alot of space, but if it's fairly safe then it won't take up much room. If your computer blocks it, then it is probably dangerous to your laptop or computer.
go on
yes it is i use it its class
Yes there is it is on you get up to 5000 coins at a time and click on it as much as you want
To get 10,000 coins in Club Penguin for your penguin, play the minigames that are all around the island. Now, we have Money Maker. It can earn you 100,000 coins at one time in one use. It is really simple and easy- it's free and no viruses! If you would like to be safe, if you have Norton, use Norton search for "Money Maker", then you are positive that it is safe!
I don't exactly know for your computer, but your account, yes. it's a hack program
its not about safe or not because it dosent work any more.
go to and click on money maker. Do what it says and u will get money. Its safe and i know because i do it all the time
yes they are safe and work microchip123 is a great trainer maker
Club Penguin money maker does not exist anymore, this is because club penguin has become even more protective and it won't work if you try, also club penguin money make is mainly viruses as creators such as microchip etc, have not been updating it because it is in a way extinct, infact, every single hack that you can download will not work, and even now, it is full of viruses and spyware, there is no hack that works or is 100% safe, so do not download it, or you could potentially harm your computer. and i use this website and it is good for cp trainer to or penguin lodge it is safe has 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% you will not get bann
no not at all, you will be at the risk of getting banned. If you don't want to get banned then go only to empty servers.
You can download a free and safe program called penguin storm but I think you can't use it any more