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nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Q: Is the Club Penguin shock real?
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Is Candace a real penguin on Club Penguin?


How do you turn club penguin maney to real money?

You can not turn club penguin coins into real money.

Is Gary a real penguin on Club Penguin?

He is real. He can talk and he has a account.

Where do you get postcards of club penguin for real life?

In club penguin own shops.

What are real penguin passwords?

There are no "real" penguins in club penguin. They are just called mascots and you can't get there password unless you work for club penguin.

Are puffles from club penguin real?

No they are not real.

Is bambadee a real penguin on Club Penguin?


Is Club Penguin Money Maker REAL And Does it work?

Yes there is a real

Are ghosts real on Club Penguin?

Members of ClubPenguin can dress up as ghosts, but no there are no such thing as real ghosts on club penguin

Is the famous cl ub penguin real?

Yes,famous club penguin is real.

Is Snowfabby real on Club Penguin?


Is Club Penguin night real?

no there in not.