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Q: Is sweettarts 3d game level 5 possible?
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Will Batman arkham city be in 3D?

If you have the things for it, then yes, you can. look at the covers on games and if you see 3d, it is possible to play that game in 3d.

Is it possible to make a 3d game in game maker 8?

Yes, it is possible. No, it is not easy. Yes, it can be done with lite. No, it is not truly 3D then, it is fake 3D. Yes, it can make full fledged 3D games. No, it cannot make Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and run it at a good FPS, and it will take forever to make such a thing.

What to do in mission 9 level 1 of assassins creed hd mobile game?

how to play mobile game assassins creed 3D level 9 mission 1

Is there any possible cheats for Skate 2?

there is one where it makes the game 3d but i forget it it is strangeloops

Will littlebigplanet 2 still have a lot plat-forming elements or only is it only a 3D game?

Yes, but thanks to new tools, it's possible to also make bird view race level.

Can you be on 3D?

The 3D you are talking about is not actually "3D". It only means there is an aspect of depth in the game. You are still VIEWING the game in 2D. Unless of course you are VIEWING a 3D 3D game in 3D. As opposed to VIEWING a 3D 2D game in 3D or VIEWING a 2D 3D game in 2D or VIEWING a 2D 2D game in 2D. Get it?To the "Asker" If you actually meant "Can you be in 3D?".You can buy a 3D digital camera/camcorder and VIEW yourself on a 3D TV. Rather than VIEWING yourself in 3D while looking into a mirror.--------------------------------------------Yes, If you believe that people can be addicted to video games.Since those that are addicted to drugs are considered "on drugs", and Since most games are now 3D (three dimensional) it should be quite possible to be "on 3D"...Used in a sentence:Ray is addicted to video games, and rarely does his chores while he is on 3D.Also Yes, If you are a fourth dimensional being.Since we are 3 dimensional (3D) beings, and we routinely stand on 2D objects (such as floors) it should be quite possible for 4D beings to be "on 3D" given that you have expressed the three dimensional world as a single 3D plane in fourth dimensional hyper space.

Is the game Wolf 3d and the old game Wolf the same?

wlf isnt 3d, wolf 3d is 3d xD

Which softwere is required to make 3D game?

C++, Java, Game Maker 8, the list goes on and on... You're not going to get an answer with everything possible.

How do you make a 3d level on Littlebigplanet?

There is a glitch to do this. Just consult the level '3D level glitch' for more info

How do make a 3d game?

Yes we can make 3d games by 3d game creater software. You can download it from

Is pacman a 3d game?

yes i think so the pacman is a 3D game.